Saturday, February 14, 2009

you got to shake it baby...

scheduled another appointment with college folks next week
not a single word on the job front
school looks more and more like the right idea
valentines day
love abounds
friday the 13th last night, watched the sentinel
enjoyed it
more confusing behaviour from the minimoog
luckily it is too confusing for the tech to fix so no money changes hands

love your lover

respect your animal

"everyday's the 14th"

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The rings of rare design

further inquiries as to higher education options
not a single call-back from any of the places i applied to as of yet
in and out of fear
learning to relax
still enjoying sleeping in
wonderful meetings with old friends
minimoog having tuning problems again, in the shop for a possible cheap repair
hoping/wanting/needing to get a good meditation in soon
much soul-searching
getting along surprisingly well with the cat
got the first step of a crown redone at the dentist
i have never been so relaxed while extensive drilling was being done in my mouth
definite progress
watched battlefield earth and ladyhawke
i dare anybody to watch battlefield earth!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The sparkle of your china

more thoughts of school
long walks
indian cuisine/chai
amazing espressos
weekend/no stress of job(no job)
cleaned up house and studio
fairly non-stressful weekend
some good appointments in the upcoming week
hoping/praying for more clarity on job/school fronts
money seems to be holding out a little better than i had anticipated

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It's hard times befallen The sole survivors

began the day with ali farka toure
a nice start
again the search, to no avail
gave up just in time for a wonderful brunch with a wonderful friend
then music at his place:
witness the virgin coupling of another beautiful old string synth circa 1973 with the taal tarang D.
add some clavinet/another drum machine track/mono lead/fabricated orch hit and man do you
have a winner (with a bit of arranging)
odd, it is hard times but my soul does not feel as crushed as it might.
i will say that not having to wake up @ 7 is a blessing at least temporarily

symphonizers soothe the savage beast

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hollywood i know your middle name

well, officially got the unemployment dance started...
got a packet for food stamps as well
applied to some jobs w/cover letter and resume
thinking about a BMA
made an appointment for college advising
will have to move to afford rent
trying to get dental work done before benefits run out
getting letters of recommendation

STRESSED, eff man

but i did receive an amazingly cheap and mindblowingly fantastic drum machine from India for my birthday from my girlfriend. it's name is taal tarang digital: link

lunch with new but dear and loving buddy tomorrow scheduled

ok so maybe i don't know your middle name Hollywood

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Uptown it's murder out in the street"

weekend coming to a close
needing to embrace adjustment of schedule and flexibility
unemployment office awaits me in my monday morning
weekend has been up and down but functional (all things considered)
food shopping, a little too aware of the looming limitedness of funds
happy:teaching loving girlfriend about the the finer points of a operating the minimoog
amazed at how many people seem to be in the same (laid off) boat

must be a pretty big boat